Blogs with Related Information of Stage Lighting
How To Choose the LED Par Light?
Purchasing LED Par Light is a science, in order to be able to buy good quality products in a large number of lighting equipment, it is necessary to start from some basic aspects of [...]
Why LED Par light is essential for stage and events?
Boundless color of the fancy world is due to the presence of different colors, and also because of the gorgeous stage lighting as a backdrop, the stage become colorful. Why LED Par light is essential [...]
6 Tips To Maintain The Moving Head Lighting
6 tips teach you how to maintain the moving head lighting fixture. Standard power supply It is easily damaged fixtures by high voltage, low voltage fixtures could easily lead to instability. Installation and replacement [...]
What Are Advantages 230W Beam Light?
There is a saying, 230W beam light is the enhanced version compared with 200w beam light. So, with respect to the beam 200, what are advantages 230W beam light? Let's go find out. Higher [...]
How To Choose A Good LED Par Light For Your Events?
PAR lights are often used in theatrical or live music shows. Commonly they are used to generate colours by fitting them with colored sheets called gels. The cans are arranged into rows of different colours [...]
How to choose the stage lights and disco lighting?
Although the stage lights and disco lighting belong to the same category of professional lighting, the difference lies in a single word, anyway as both of them are used in different places, to create different [...]
How do moving lights work?
Moving Lights (or just "movers" in the industry) sure are fun. No concert, dance, tradeshow, musical,or Event is complete without a bunch of them moving around, and some are even used well (though, less and [...]
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 2014 stage lighting effect
APEC banquet lobby work, absolutely careless, you see, beautiful women who are crazy busy. Swing sets, cutlery layout familiar reception processes, etc., service personnel who are meticulous! In Kitchen Banquet restrictions on serving time [...]