Q1: How can I tell the differences of lamp from the appearance?

YODN & OSRAM Lamp eralighting

*Use R5 and R7 for example.First, check the labels, see if you can find a stage beam lamp model name.
In this picture, the left lamp is projector lamp, the other 2 lamps are stage beam lamps.

Stage Beam Lamp and Projector Lamp era lighting

Second, check the pin. Stage beam lamp has 2 pins, but projector lamp has only 1 pin.

Stage Beam Lamp and Projector Lamp era lighting

Q2 What is the difference between using YODN stage beam lamp and projector lamp?

*Use R5 & R7 for example.

These 2 lamps look 80% same from the outside, but actually they are 80% different in composition, function, product life, and performance.

Stage Beam LampProjector Lamp
Brightness DecaySLOWFAST
Product Life2000hrs 800-1000hrs
Burning PositionAny position.
–>Because the moving head will turn 270° and will move very fast and frequently, the beam lamp must be designed to work in any position.
In a horizontal position (0° ±15°)
–>Can only work in flat and stable condition, not designed to work in changing positions.

  • Solid light beam
  • Light spot with good uniformity

It is designed to display colors /images/vedios, not to make strong beams and clear spot; so the performance is not good.

effect of Stage Beam Lamp and Projector Lamp era lighting
Stage Beam Lamp and Projector Lamp era lighting effect